QTerm 7.0

The 7.0 version of QTerm brings a new look and easily accessible function panels which can be permanently displayed (pinned) or can be automatically hidden and only displayed when moused over. Mutiple frame windows are also supported with one or more terminal windows in each frame. This allows you to easily take advantage of multiple monitors.

If you are interested in trying out the new version please click here to download the software

Click New to close.





For a list of error codes see the faq page.

Registered Object Identifiers

These are the name used to create an instance of one of the Quickware automation objects:

QTermUTS QTermUTS.Application
ActiveUTS ActiveUTS.ActiveUTSCtrl.1
Web-UTS WebUTS.WebUTSCtrl.1

QTermT27 QTermT27.Application
ActiveT27 ActiveT27.ActiveT27Ctrl.1
Web-T27 WebT27.WebT27Ctrl.1

AccessServer AccessServer.Application


Field Types

In general, the documentation conventions are "C" based.  Here is a list of equivalent Visual Basic types:

Doc "C" VB
short short Integer
string BSTR String
boolean boolean Boolean
handle handle Object handle
long long Long
long* long* ByRef Long

Note: variables passed by reference are indicated using the "C" convention of using an asterisk (*) as in long* pForeColor.  Visual Basic programs understand from the type library that these variables are to be passed by reference but PowerBuilder scripts need to use the REF keyword on the call, for example: uts1.object.GetCursor(REF row, REF col).

Application Object Methods (QTerm only)

A controlling program can use these application level methods and properties to control a running instance of QTerm.

Method Description Return
Open(String settingsFileName) Open a settings file.  If settingsFileName is blank, the default QTerm settings file is opened. long
Quit Terminate QTerm void

Application Object Events

Event Description
OnQuit() The application is about to terminate

Application Object Properties (QTerm only)

Property Name Description Type
Application Just returns this application object (read only) handle
Caption Main window title text String
FullName Application path name (read only) String
Height Window height (read only) long
Hosts Handle to the Hosts collection (read only) handle
Left Left window coordinate (read only) long
Name Application name (read only) String
Left Left window coordinate (read only) long
Parent Just returns this application object (read only) handle
Terminals Handle to the Terminals collection (read only) handle
Top Top window coordinate (read only) long
Visible Main window visibility BOOL
Width Window width (read only) long

Terminals Collection Properties (QTerm only)

After you get the Terminals collection handle from the Application (above), you can ask for a handle to any of the terminal screens by using the Item property, or retrieve the front terminal screen from the ActiveTerminal property.

Property Name Description Type
ActiveTerminal Returns a handle to the current front terminal screen. handle
Count Number of terminals long
Item(index) Application path name (read only) handle

Hosts Collection Properties (QTerm only)

After you get the Hosts collection handle from the Application (above), you can ask for a handle to any of the host entries by using the Item property.  See Host Definition Format for details of the host definition.

Property Name Description Type
Add(String hostDefinition) Add a host entry long
Count Number of Hosts long
Modify(long index, String hostDefinition) Modify the indexed host long
Item(long index) Returns handle to indexed host handle
Remove(long index) Remove the indexed host void

Terminal Object Methods

These methods can be used from an external program controlling QTerm or from a container program with an embedded ActiveX control to direct the terminal object to many functions.  For example, to connect to a host, to display data on the screen, to move about the screen and to send data to the host.

Method Name Description Return
AddKey(long cmd, long key, boolean shift, boolean ctl, boolean alt) Add an entry to the current key map.  If the key combination already exists it will be overwritten.

The cmd values are defined in the CommandIDs section of the type library and may be viewed by an object browser.  The key values are those defined by Microsoft as virtual key codes, such as VK_RETURN.

CaptureStart(String fileName) Start capture screen data to fileName long non-zero if error
CaptureStop() Stop capture void
ClearCapture() Clears capture file and any captured data in memory void
Connect(String hostName) Connect to hostName. If the hostName parameter is just a name then the control will fire a GetHostInfo event to resolve the IP address etc. The actual result (connect confirm or connect reject) is indicated either on a subsequent GetStatus call or via an event.

The hostName can be a special case of the character "+" which simulates a connection and sets the connected status.  This is useful for DataStream mode (see InputData).

If the hostName parameter is a string then it must provide the required host details, as a string with comma separated values (see Host Definition Format for details).

long non-zero if error
Copy() Clipboard copy void
CopyTable() Clipboard copy as comma separated table data void
Cut() Clipboard cut void
DeleteInDisplay() Delete character at the current cursor position and shift data left up to end of field void
DeleteInLine() Delete character at the current cursor position and shift data left up to end of line void
DeleteLine() Delete current row void
Disconnect() Disconnect from host. If connected, a disconnected  event will be fired when the connection is terminated. long non-zero if error
Display(String textString) Display textString  at current cursor void
DisplayFF() Display a FF at current cursor position void
DisplayLF() Display a LF at current cursor position void
DisplaySOE() Display an SOE at current cursor position void
DisplayTab() Display an Tab at current cursor position void
DuplicateLine() Duplicate current row void
EraseCharacter() Erase character at current cursor position void
EraseDisplay(boolean eraseCompletely) Erase the screen from cursor position or completely if eraseCompletely  is true. void
EraseEOF() Erase to end of field void
EraseField() Erase all current field void
EraseLine() Erase to end of line void
EraseUnprotected() Erase unprotected data to end of field void
FindKey(long key, boolean shift, boolean ctl, boolean alt) Find the specified key combination in the key map and return the corresponding command id if found. long non-zero value of assigned command if found
FindText(String pTextString) Searches for the specified string on the screen from the current cursor position to the end of display. The string to be searched for must be contained on one screen line and is specified by textString, a null terminated string. The search is case sensitive and, if the find is successful, the cursor is repositioned to the first character of the found string. long non-zero if error
GetAttribute() Get the screen attribute at current cursor long attribute flags
GetCmdName(long cmd) Return the command name for a specific command id String cmdString
GetColor(long* pForeColor, long* pBackColor) Get the foreground and background color indices at the current cursor void
GetCursor(long* pRow, long* pCol) Get current cursor row and column (note you can also access termRow and termColumn directly). void
GetFieldText(long maxBytes) Get text from screen field at current cursor . The cursor must be previously set to the required start position and then this method copies the screen data from that position up to the end of the screen field into the returned string. String foundString
GetKey(long index, long* cmd, long* key, long* shift, long* ctl, long* alt) Get the entry in the key map specified key by index.  If index is valid, the corresponding command and key modifier information is returned. This is useful for iterating through the key map, starting at index 0 until the call returns FALSE. Boolean TRUE if index is valid
GetKeyName(long key, boolean shift, boolean ctl, boolean alt) Get the name of the key corresponding to the specified key code and modifier flags. String keyName
GetRowText(long row, long startCol, long columns) Get text from the screen row at the specified position.  This function call copies the screen data from that position up to the end of the row into the returned string.

For T27,  if row is 1 greater than the number of screen rows data is  retrieved from the status line.

String foundString
GetSelectionStartEnd(long* pStartRow, long* pStartCol, long* pEndRow, long* pEndCol, long* blockMode) Get the start and end row and column positions of selected screen area (all zeroes if no current selection) long
GetStatus(long* pConnected, long*  pMsgArrived) Returns the status of the host connection.

pConnected has one of the following values:

0 = disconnected
1 = connecting
2 = connected
3 = disconnecting

The pMsgArrived parameter is set to 1 if a new message has arrived since the last call to GetStatus

GetStatusFlags() Get current status flags, defined as follows:


short status flags
GetText(long startRow, long startCol, long endRow, long endCol) Get text off the screen from the specified rows into the returned string. String foundString
InputAttention() Assume an attention message has been sent from the host void
InputData(String textString) Display textString, at the current cursor position interpreting the textString as a data stream from the host void
InsertInDisplay() Insert character at the current cursor position and shift data right up to end of field void
InsertInLine() Insert character at the current cursor position and shift data right up to end of line void
InsertLine() Insert new row at current cursor void
LineSwapDown() Swap current row with row below void
LineSwapUp() Swap current row with row above void
LoadProperties(String fileName, long index) Load the terminal properties from the settings file, for terminal number index. (ActiveX control only) long
MoveBackspace() Backspace the cursor void
MoveBackTab() Tab backwards void
MoveDown() Move the cursor down void
MoveHome () To the home position void
MoveLeft() Move the cursor left void
MoveRight() Move the cursor right void
MoveReturn() Move the cursor to start of next row void
MoveScrollUp() Scroll the screen up one row void
MoveTab() Tab forwards void
MoveTo(long row, long col) Move the cursor to given row/column void
MoveToEOF() Move to end of current field void
MoveToLineBegin() Move to start of row void
MoveToLineEnd() Move to end of row data void
MoveToUnprotected() Move to next unprotected position void
MoveUp() Move the cursor up void
NextPage() Move cursor up void
NextRecall() Display next entry from command recall list void
Paste() Clipboard paste void
PreviousPage() Select previous terminal page void
PreviousRecall() Display previous entry from command recall list void
PrintCancel() Cancel print operation void
PrintEject() Terminate current print operation and close spool document void
PrintFromSOE() Print the screen up to the current cursor position void
PrintPageSetup() Invoke the page setup common dialog void
PrintScreen() Print the screen void
PrintScreenData() Print the screen as transparent data void
PrintSelected() Print the selected text void
PrintToFile() Cause further printing to be sent to a disk file(s) void
PutText(long startRow, long startCol, long endRow, long endCol, String textString, boolean spacePad) Display textString  at the specified position.  If the text string does not occupy all the specified area then setting the spacePad  parameter to true causes the remainder to be space filled.

For T27,  if row is 1 greater than the number of screen rows data is  displayed on the status line.

RemoveKey(long cmd, long key, boolean shift, boolean ctl, boolean alt) Remove an entry from the current key map.  If cmd  is zero the key combination will be removed regardless of the assigned command.  See AddKey for comments on the cmd and key values. boolean TRUE if successfuly removed
ResetTerminal() Resets the terminal including all settings properties that have been changed void
Resize(long width, long height) Resize control window (ActiveX only) void
ResumeInput() Allow host input void
RollDown() Roll screen down one row void
RollUp() Roll screen up one row void
SaveProperties(String fileName, long index) Save the terminal properties to the settings file, for terminal number index.  (ActiveX control only) long
SelectDown() Extend text selection downwards void
SelectLeft() Extend text selection left void
SelectRight() Extend text selection right void
SelectUp() Extend text selection upwards void
SendFKey(long keyNumber) Send a function key to the host (UTS only) long non-zero if error
SendMsgWait() Send a MsgWait (break) to the host (UTS) or a Specify to the host (T27) long non-zero if error
SendText(String pTextString) Send a text message directly to the host. Note that the screen is not updated by this function call. long non-zero if error
ShowGraphics() Display graphics screen, if available void
ShowText() Display text screen void
SnapScreenToCapture() Snap the screen data to capture file, if capture open void
StopInput() Stop host input (use ResumeInput later) void
TraceStart(String fileName) Start trace.  If fileName  is a null string ("") then a file name is generated of the form ProductLognnn.txt. void
TraceStop(bool viewFile) Stop trace.  If viewFile  is true then a prompt to view the trace file is displayed. void
UnlockKeyboard() Unlock the keyboard, allowing keyboard input void
Wait(long timeout) Wait for the screen to be updated by the host. Returns true if updated or false if timeout expired.

Note: The wait functions are mostly useful when creating scripts (eg VBscript) which cannot handle events.

WaitConnected(bool connected, long timeout) Wait to be connected (connected = true) or disconnected (connected = false). Returns false if timeout expired. boolean
WaitScreenText(short row, short col, String text, long timeout) Wait for the screen at row/col to be set to text by the host. Note that setting both row and col to zero (0) requests to search the whole screen for text.  Returns false if timeout expired.

For T27,  if row is 1 greater than the number of screen rows data is  checked on the status line.

Xmit() Simulate xmit key being pressed which initiates the sending of data from the screen to the host. The actual data transmitted depends upon the terminal type, the control page setting, the current cursor position and the start of entry position. Typically a UTS screen will be in XMIT VAR mode which means that all unprotected data between the SOE character or home position and the current cursor position is to be transmitted. long non-zero if error


Terminal Object Events

These are all the event handling functions for events that are fired by the control. Many events do not require any action. For example, if the cursor is moved or the keyboard is unlocked and you don't care then there is no action to be taken.

Several events have a "processed" parameter which you can set to true if you completely process this event here and you do not want the control to take any further action.

Event Description
OnAlert(long severity, String alertText, long errorNumber) Error notification with message for display (alertText) and potential error number.

0 = information
1 = warning
2 = error

OnClosedCaptureFile(String captureFilename) The capture file has been closed.
OnClosedPrintFile(String printFilename) A print file has been closed.
OnConnected(boolean* processed) The session status has changed to Connected.  Set processed  to TRUE if you don't want the control to display a screen message (eg if you have already displayed a message box).
OnConnecting() The session status has changed to Connecting.
OnConnectRequestNotSent(long error, boolean* processed) A connect request to a host could not be sent, the reason is provided in error.  Set processed to TRUE if you don't want the control to display a screen message (e.g. if you have already displayed a message box).
OnConnectRequestRejected(long error, boolean* processed) A connect request was rejected by the host, the reason is provided in error.  Set processed  to TRUE if you don't want the control to display a screen message (eg if you have already displayed a message box).
OnCursorMoved(long row, long col) Notification that the screen cursor has moved, in order to display cursor coordinates etc.
OnCouldntSendMessage(long error, boolean* processed) A message could not be sent to the host, the reason is provided in error, typically because the connection has been broken. Set processed  to TRUE if you don't want the control to display a screen message (e.g. if you have already displayed a message box).
OnDisconnected(boolean* processed) The session status has changed to Disconnected.  Set processed  to TRUE if you don't want the control to display a screen message (eg if you have already displayed a message box).
OnDisconnecting() The session status has changed to Disconnecting.
OnDisplayedMessage(String msg, long msgLength) A new message from the host has just been displayed.
OnFontChanged(String newFontName) The screen font has been changed.
OnGetHostInfo(String hostName, String* pHostInfo) The control needs the address etc of hostName, typically to resolve a connection when the user types in $$open hostName.
OnHostScriptAborted() A host script has been aborted, typically when the host requests a script execution and a host script is already active.
OnHostScriptStart(String scriptName, boolean* processed) The host has sent a message containing <esc><q> to trigger a script execution.  Set processed  to TRUE if you don't want the control to execute the script
OnKeyboardLocked() Notification that the keyboard has been locked, in order that a visual indication may be displayed.
OnKeyboardUnlocked() Notification that the keyboard has been unlocked, in order that a visual indication may be displayed.
OnLogMessage(long logType, String logName, String logBuffer, long logBufferLength, String logMessage) An event has occurred that may be logged. A text message is provided in logMessage and an optional trace buffer is provided in logBuffer.
OnMessageSent(String msg, boolean* processed) A message has been sent to the host.  
OnNotConnectedCantSend(boolean* processed) A message could not be sent because there is no current host connection. Set processed  to TRUE if you don't want the control to display a screen message (e.g. if you have already displayed a message box).  Set processed  to TRUE if you don't want the control to display a screen message (eg if you have already displayed a message box).
OnPreAttention(boolean* processed) An attention message is about to be sent to the host (MsgWait for UTS or Specify for T27). Set processed  to TRUE if this event should not be processed.
OnPreFunctionKey(long fkey, boolean* processed) A function key is about to be processed, fkey contains the function key number. Set processed  to TRUE if this event should not be processed. (UTS only)
OnPreKeyPress(long key, boolean shift, boolean ctl, boolean alt, boolean* processed) A key has been pressed and is about to be processed, key contains the key code. Set processed  to TRUE if the keystroke should not be processed, typically because a higher level script has already processed it.
OnPreLeftMouseDoubleClick(boolean* processed) The left mouse button has been double clicked and is about to be processed. Set processed to TRUE if this event should not be processed.
OnPreRightMouseDoubleClick(boolean* processed) The right mouse button has been double clicked and is about to be processed. Set processed  to TRUE if this event should not be processed.
OnPreSendMessage(String msg, long msgLength, boolean* processed) A message is about to be sent to the host. Set processed  to TRUE if the message should not be sent.
OnPreTransmit(boolean* processed) The transmit function is about to be processed. Set processed  to TRUE if this event should not be processed.
OnReceivedAttention(boolean* processed) An attention (break) message has been received from the host. (UTS only).  Set processed  to TRUE if you don't want the control to process this attention message.
OnReceivedMessage(String msg, long msgLength, boolean* processed) A new data message has been received from the host. Set processed  to a non-zero value if the message should not be interpreted and displayed.  Note that the optional status values 2 through 11 apply only to UTS terminals and that the status will only be returned to the host if it has already indicated that such status is required after a message has been processed.

1 = processed, no special status


OnRightMouseClick(boolean* processed) Notification that a right mouse click event has occurred in order to display a popup menu.  Set processed  to TRUE if a popup menu should not be displayed.
OnScreenActive() The control's terminal screen has become active.
OnScreenDeactive() The control's terminal screen has become deactive.
OnXmitDone() Fired after a transmit operation is complete
OnXmitWhenNotConnected(boolean* processed) The transmit key has been pressed when not connected to a host. Typical to display a connection message or host list and then issue a Connect to the control. Set processed  to TRUE if you don't want the control to display a screen message (eg if you have already displayed a message box).

Terminals Object Properties (QTerm only)

Use these QTerm application properties to retrieve a handle to a terminal etc

Property Name Description Type
ActiveTerminal Returns a handle to the front terminal handle
Count Returns the count of terminals long
Item(long index) Returns a handle the requested terminal number (the first terminal is index 0) handle

Terminal Object Properties

Use these terminal object properties to get or set various terminal settings.

Color Properties

Each color property is a value of 0 through 15, or -1 to indicate it is not enabled. The numbers 0-15 index a set of color values, as follows:

0 Black   8 Dark gray  
1 Red   9 Maroon  
2 Green   10 Dark green  
3 Yellow   11 Olive  
4 Blue   12 Dark blue  
5 Magenta   13 Purple  
6 Cyan   14 Teal  
7 White   15 Light gray  

Field Type Indices

The terminal emulators allow you to set the foreground and background colors for each type of field (unprotected, alpha only etc). When retrieving or setting a color property you need to specify the field type as an index, as detailed below:

Field Type Index Description
COLOR_FIELD_UNPROT 0 unprotected
COLOR_FIELD_UNPROT_LOW 1 unprotected low intensity (UTS)
COLOR_FIELD_ALPHA_LOW 3 alpha low intensity (UTS)
COLOR_FIELD_NUM_LOW 5 numeric low intensity (UTS)
COLOR_FIELD_PROT 6 protected
COLOR_FIELD_PROT_LOW 7 protected low intensity (UTS)
COLOR_FIELD_PROTXMIT 8 protected transmittable (T27)
COLOR_FIELD_SECURE_LOW 10 secure low intensity (UTS)
COLOR_FIELD_RIGHT 11 right justified
COLOR_FIELD_RIGHT_LOW 12 right justified low intensity (UTS)
COLOR_FIELD_REVERSE 13 reverse video
COLOR_FIELD_REVERSE_LOW 14 reverse video low intensity (UTS)
COLOR_FIELD_FLASH_LOW 16 flashing low intensity (UTS)
COLOR_FIELD_STATUSLINE 17 status line (T27)

General Terminal Properties

These properties apply to all terminal types.

Property Name Description Type
Auto sizing font mode

0 = not auto font
1 = auto font
2 = auto width
3 = auto height

termBackColor(long index) Set the background color for the field type specified by index short
termColumn Current screen column short
termColumns Number of screen columns short
termFontName Font name String
termFontSize Font point size short
termForeColor(long index) Set the foreground color for the field type specified by index  
termLastHost Last host accessed (read only) String
termName Terminal name String
termNetworkChar Set the network control character as used on caommands to open and close connections (default is '$', as in $$OPEN and $$CLOSE) short
termPages Number of screen pages short
termRow Current screen row short
termRows Number of screen rows short
termTermType Terminal type:

0 = UTS20
1 = UTS40
4 = UTS60

0 = TD830ascii
1 = TD830 (ebcdic)
2 = TD830ndl (ebcdic + ndl)


T27 Specific Terminal Properties

These properties apply only to the T27 terminal type.

Property Name Description Type
termAltRS Alternate RS character short
termAltUS Alternate US character short
termEom EOM character short
termFixedTabPosition(long index) Fixed tab positions. The index specifies one of 10 possible tabs (0 - 9). The column position of the tab is the property value. short
termVariableTabPosition(long index) Variable tab positions. The index specifies one of 10 possible tabs (0 - 9). The column position of the tab is the property value. short

Terminal Options

These properties apply to all terminal types.

Property Name Description Type
optAutoAlign Make cursor position always visible, scrolling the screen if necessary boolean
optAutoReconnect Auto reconnect if connection drops boolean
optBackspaceNonDelete Do not delete character on backspace boolean
optBlockModeSelect Mouse selection uses block mode boolean
optCaptureAllHostScreens Save all host screens to file when capture is active boolean
optDrawBorders Draw borders around unprotected fields boolean
optEraseOnDisconnect Erase screen when session is disconnected boolean
optFlashingCursor Flash the screen cursor boolean
optFontBold Use bold screen font boolean
optFontItalic Use italic screen font boolean
optForceUpperCase Force keyboard input to upper case boolean
optFullErase Erase the whole screen on erase display boolean
optIgnoreCountryTranslate Ignore any configured country translation boolean
optIgnoreDollarMsgs Send $$ messages to host without interpretation boolean
optInsertMode Keyboard input in INSert mode boolean
optInsertModeInDisp Insert mode uses Insert in Display (shifting all field characters) boolean
optNoCursorWrap Do not wrap cursor from end of screen to home position boolean
optNoFlashers Ignore any flashing fields (display but don't flash) boolean
optNonDestructSpace Space key does not erase character (acts like cursor right) boolean
optPassThruPrinter Terminal is a passthru mode printer boolean
optPlainGraphics Optimize screen graphics for printing boolean
optPrintAll Print all messages boolean
optShowAllCharacters Display all characters (including tab, CR etc) boolean
optSmoothScroll Smooth scroll boolean
optUnderlineCursor Cursor is underline (else block) boolean

UTS Options

Property Name Description Type
optUTSbellAsFill Treat bell characters as fill boolean
optUTScontMsgBeep Sound attention beep continuously boolean
optUTSdsspColors Use DSSP color mapping boolean
optUTSenableSrm Enable SRM mode boolean
optUTSmapperLook Enable Mapper look and feel boolean
optUTSmsgMode3 Enable INT1 MsgMode 3 boolean
optUTSsendBasicFccs Only send basic mode FCCs boolean

T27 Options

These properties apply only to the T27 terminal type.

Property Name Description Type
optAdvETX Advance cursor on ETX received boolean
optClearProt Allow clear of protected fields in forms mode boolean
optCrlfXmit DC1 does not erase to end of line or field boolean
optDC1stayRcv DC2 advances cursor boolean
optDC2advance Don't allow field overflow boolean
optEnMobile Enable mobile home boolean
optFFclrTab Form feed clears variable tabs boolean
optForceTrans Force transparent mode boolean
optHideDelimiters Hide the field delimiters boolean
optHideStatusLine Hide status line boolean
optInsertSpace Insert space in insert mode boolean
optLFpreCR Line feed before carriage return boolean
optLocModeMg Go local mode after message is received boolean
optNoFieldOver Don't allow field overflow boolean
optNoFormEn Don't allow forms enable boolean
optSOHclrPg SOH clears page boolean
optSOSInot SO/SI doesn't reverse video/underline boolean
optSpecifyHex Send hex fields on specify boolean
optSpecifyPage Send page number on specify boolean
optStayForms Stay in forms mode on message received boolean
optStoreCR Store received CR boolean
optStoreETX Store received ETX boolean
optStoreHT Store received tab boolean
optUseAltDelim Use alternate delimiter characters boolean
optVarTabs Use variable tabs boolean
optXmitEOM Transmit EOM boolean
optXmitFormP Transmit full page in forms mode boolean
optXmitLine Transmit line at a time boolean

Print Properties

These print properties apply to all terminal types.

Property Name Description Type
prtEolAction End of line action:

0 = none
1 = CRLF
2 = LF

prtFontName Printer font name (only required if prtMode is selected font) String
prtFontSize Printer font point size short
prtLinesPerPage Maximum lines per page short
prtMode Printing mode, one of the following values:

0 screen font, 9pt
1 screen font 12pt
2 screen font, specified font size
4 selected font
6 screen font, current font size
7 print to file
9 print immediate

prtOnFormFeed Start printing after FF received boolean
prtOnPages Start printing after prtWhenPages spooled boolean
prtOnTimeout Start printing after no printing for prtWhenSeconds seconds boolean
prtOnString Start printing after the string prtWhenString is received boolean
prtPrintFileFF Include FFs when printing to file boolean
prtPrinterName Printer name String
prtTranslateFileName Print translation file name String
prtWhenPages Page count to start printing short
prtWhenSeconds Timeout to start printing short
prtWhenString Trigger string to start printing String
prtXparAction End of transparent printing action:

0 = none
1 = CRLF
2 = LF
3 = FF
4 = ensure new line

prtOptIgnoreFF Ignore all FFs in print messages boolean
prtOptLandscape Force landscape printing boolean
prtOptMetricMargins Use metric margins boolean
prtOptNoFFafterPrint Do not FF after a screen print boolean
prtOptNoBlankPages Do not eject an empty page boolean
prtOptNoPrintDialog Do not display print dialogs boolean
prtOptShadowPrintFile Create a print file as well as normal printing boolean
prtOptStripTabs Strip all tab characters going to the printer boolean
prtOptTranslate Use the printer translation file boolean
prtOptTrashAfterFF Do not print any data in a message after the last FF character. boolean